Where champions are forged

Threshold Tactics

Check out our latest Age of Sigmar battle report!


Nicolas "Spoon" Tassone - Games Workshop Warhammer Age of Sigmar World Champion 2023-2024

These guys host legendary events. The venue & organisation are top tier. You always get everything you need to play properly. And these events always attract the best people we have in this community guaranteeing the most enjoyable moments I've had playing this game! One of, if not the best tournament organizer I know.

Tristan Paffenholz - Player of the German Age of Sigmar Worlds team
Tom is a great tournament host and became a good friend. His events always make me feel very welcomed. The mix between competitive games and great fun later at the bar is the perfect mix for me.
Lex Decrauw - Captain of the Dutch Age of Sigmar Worlds team
Having attended Age of Sigmar events in several countries I can confidently say that events by Tom and his team are absolute top tier. Staff, food, atmosphere.. everything you can think of, Tom has already thought of and taken care of. Events by Tom, small or big, are without a doubt the highest quality events you'll attend, give them a shot!


Driven by passion
Because we are a small business and run this next to our regular dayjob, we can not offer you next day shipping. Instead, we ship out all our orders once a week. It is also possible to pick up your order at any of our events. Just make sure to notify us during check-out!

How to get in touch with us

Drop us a line and we will get back to you as soon as possible!